Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hooray for Sunshine!

The weather was very nice yesterday and it was actually warm enough for me to wear a dress. Today is similar but I'm still in my yoga clothes. Took a power yoga class this morning. I feel great! Came home and made some un-fried brown rice with edamame, grape tomatoes, mushrooms, an egg, and 1T low sodium soy. 

This was yummy but I started stirring the egg around too soon and it kind of turned mushy.


  1. The dress is super cute. . . wearing cute summer dresses during sunny/warm days is the best.

  2. Looking forward to more sunny and warm days soon!

  3. Your so healthy, Yoga and eating right. Good for you. I consider my exercise running after my boys. LOL.

    Write it in Lipstick

  4. @Melissa - This isn't an every day thing but I'm working on trying to be more healthy and making it a lifestyle change...some days are harder. Running around after two boys is plenty of exercise!!


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