Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Get Naked!

Wait...don't start taking your clothes off...I meant get Naked Coconut Water.
I first heard about coconut water when I took Bikram Yoga this past summer...I was not interested in trying it, but bought some for my husband. I bought various brands, including Naked, Zico, and various other brands from the Indian supermarket and also the local health/whole foods market. He drinks coconut water or juice about once a week. As far as I know from my quick google search, coconut juice and coconut water are the same thing.

Anyway, I finally had some about two weeks ago - it was from the Indian store and was "roasted" coconut juice with coconut bits. I know, probably doesn't sound appealing with the coconut bits in there, but I wanted to try it and I thought it was really yummy. I bet all the extra sugar helped. Well, I wanted to get a healthier version so I bought the Naked brand this week and had one today. Success! It was yummy and had 0 added sugar and no preservatives. It provides electrolytes and potassium (as much or more than a banana). No wonder it's often the go-to drink after Bikram yoga. 

Nutrition Facts:
An 11 fl oz. container is 60 calories, 0g fat, 14g carbs, and 0g protein.

Give it a try and tell me what you think!


  1. Hey Mindy,
    I drink the Amy and Brian coconut juice (100% juice, no added sugar) with pulp. I'm on a coconut kick, so I've been drinking one can a day.
    I read that coconut water is so natural that people have actually used it as an IV fluid in developing countries!! Amazing!!

  2. hmmm. Ive seen coconut water... never tried it, may have to pick one up next time. Sounds good & healthy!


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