Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 7 & 8

I skipped Day 6. I actually wore traditional clothing to church that was not part of my remix so I'm not posting that pic on here...it doesn't really apply. ;)

I got really busy all of a sudden and have been trying to keep the extra computer stuff to a minimum (lots of schoolwork to get done). Thus, I've been avoiding the television too (didn't watch all day yesterday and haven't turned it on yet today either!). Went to hot yoga yesterday and felt great. Not much else to update. Oh, wait, this is big. Went to the mall after church with hubby and didn't buy a single item. Can you believe it?! Yay for sticking to the plan!

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the remixing. I love it!
    And kudos to you for not shopping!!


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