Sunday, January 30, 2011

Snack Time

Well, I've been away on a trip so not much cooking or working out has been going on. I had some great food on my trip (went to Seattle for a conference) but didn't think to take pictures of it. I might try to re-create some of those dishes, or at least describe them on here so some of you can attempt to make them. 

For now, here's a quick snack that is very healthy and super easy. Take a serving of low fat cottage cheese, add a serving of peanut butter/almond butter/sunflower nut butter, and then add a diced apple/sliced banana. You get some protein, healthy fat, and fruit. It's filling and tastes pretty good, and includes a mix of textures. If you don't like cottage cheese, you can switch it with some plain fat free/low fat greek yogurt, which also has a good amount of protein. 
This is a pic of my snack from last week: fat free Fage, diced apple, almond butter. 

*I am not a nutritionist but am constantly trying to learn about food. If I say anything inaccurate, please feel free to correct me. 

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